Apex Ultra Gyuto
Apex Ultra Gyuto
225mm gyuto in Apex-Ultra Carbon Steel. This steel has high toughness and hardness with excellent edge retention, this blade is heat treated to 66hrc.
The spine and choil are mirror polished and the edge sharpened to 4k. Blade has aggressive distal taper and thin edge, with forge finish parallel to the edge.
The handle is Ironwood with a heirloom fit brass bolster.
This knife includes free shipping internationally with additional options at checkout.
Tech specs:
Steel: Apex Ultra Carbon Steel
Tested Hardness: 66 HRC
Total length: 365mm
Length of cutting edge: 225mm
Blade height at heel: 56mm
Handle length: 135mm
Spine thickness -
Above heel: 3.8mm
Midway: 2.5mm
10mm before tip: 0.3mm
Weight: 200g
Please note this is a high hardness, keen edged high performance knife and as such care must be taken to protect the edge (i.e. please do not cut frozen foods).